How to Balance Hormones

How to Balance Hormones Naturally

Women want to know how to balance hormones.  When women feels so out of whack or out of sort, there is a very good reason for it and wanting to know “how to balance hormones” are so important.


75% of women have no idea hormone imbalance is the root cause of many problems.

One of the things I would often hear from friends, “My hormones must be out of whack.”  Is it though? 

The problem is, they didn’t know exactly what was “out of balance”, which may be the case for you too.

Breakthrough Hormone Guide

This Breakthrough Hormone Guide that I follow for 2 months now, reveals how my “optimal balance” has boost my metabolism as well as giving me energy and just an great overall feeling.

And can you believe this all WITHOUT Crazy Diets Or Exercise Plans.

1 in 3 Women Suffer From Hormone Imbalance At Some Point In Their Lives

This blog will tell you How to Even Out Your Hormones Naturally.

how to balance hormonesA healthy brain and a healthy body require balanced hormones.

When hormone levels are out of whack, you can experience fatigue, memory problems, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and a host of other symptoms.

Addressing Hormonal Imbalances

Addressing hormonal imbalances can help you feel like yourself again. Then why doesn’t doctors talk about it…

Because hormone imbalance, for the most part, is not considered “life threatening”, so doctors very rarely test for it, and even fewer treat it…

Ange and Hormone ImbalanceorPower of Hormone Quiz

how to balance hormones

Since the age of 14 everything has been a bit of a battle. I struggled with my weight, the constant fatigue, as well as dealing with the feelings of self-worth and anxiety.

I had to find a reason for why I felt so awful… and what I discovered changed the way I understood my symptoms. Knowing this has helped me take control and get my health & life back!

When it comes to weight gain, blame it on the hormones. These chemicals do a lot of good in our body, but health issues and stress can throw them off balance and cause problems.

I visited doctor after doctor, and they left me disappointed and frustrated. But understanding how female hormones work helped me figure out my situation.

Started to Balance My Hormones Naturally

And it started to make sense! I learned how to listen to my body. I realized my symptoms were not a product of me being lazy or unhealthy. (Or at least most of the time it wasn’t!) The fatigue, the weight gain and low mood were clues my hormones were out of balance.

Now that my hormones are in balance I feel great, plus the boost in energy is pretty awesome!

Symptoms of a Hormonal Imbalance

  1. weight gain.
  2. fatigue.
  3. increased sensitivity to cold or heat.
  4. constipation or more frequent bowel movements.
  5. dry skin.
  6. puffy face.
  7. unexplained weight loss (sometimes sudden)
  8. increased or decreased heart rate.

If you feel or see any of these above symptoms, do not chalk it up to “Oh it’s just my age” or “it’s just a normal part of being a busy mom”.  It means something is off and you need to address it.  I started to read Ange’s book and her struggle,  mine would not as half as bad as her.  Ange shares her story so you can see the TRUTH about this life changing approach to treating her hormone imbalance…

orBooks on Hormone ImbalanceHow to balance hormones - Power of Hormone Quiz

1 in 4 women suffer from hormone imbalance at some point of their lives. Symptoms range from the annoying to the debilitating.

3 Bonus Books from Power of Hormones



Click Here to Learn More about “The Power of Hormones”


How to Balance Hormones Naturally

and What are the Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms are weight gain, brain fog, extreme or constant fatigue and just an overall feeling of being run down and a little under the weather.

For years it felt like I was battling with doctors. I was frequently told I had depression and that these symptoms were just part of life.

This was simply not true. My hormone imbalance caused me unnecessary and debilitating symptoms. Let’s spread the awareness of hormone imbalance in women. Check out our new website to find out more.



The number 1 symptom that drove me crazy and sent me on my mission on how to treat hormone imbalance was… Extreme Fatigue.

I was so tired that my bones ached. I’d sleep 12 hours a day and still feel shattered.

At the time my doctor was sympathetic and requested blood tests but they all came back normal so I was sent off with a script for anti depressants.

I knew there was more to it so I set off on a journey to uncover the truth about hormones and how optimal hormones mean better health, more energy and better quality of life. To find out more or to read more visit power of hormones.

Power of Hormone Quiz

How to Balance Hormones As You Age

It all started when all of a sudden I noticed that I was having a lot of days where I was tired… moody… bloated… depressed, and just ‘not in the mood’…

So I went to the doctors…

Only to have them turn around and say there’s nothing wrong or that they don’t know what is wrong so here take …some tablets…?

Or worse they feed me that old line of eat less and exercise more.I even convinced a doctor to do a blood test, only for it to come back ‘normal’, when deep down I knew that how I felt wasn’t ‘normal’ at all!…

One day, I finally reached breaking point, and decided it was time I took CONTROL of my own health… …and with a lot of trial and error.

Take 60 sec Quiz to find out if your Hormones are unbalanced

I discovered a way to shed the excess weight, while also having all the energy I needed to actually enjoy life! It’s all about balancing your hormones…

Thank you for visiting my blog on Improving your Hormones and getting the best out of life.


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